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Is Your Network Ready for the Demands of Your Smart Home?


Explore the Commercial-Grade Network Solutions from WhyReboot 

The home network has quickly become a foundational piece of the modern home, almost as important as electricity and running water. Are we exaggerating by placing networking at that level? Only a little, as communication with the outside world is a critical need in any modern home. Moreover, with the convergence of all information and communication into digital form, the home network is an enabling piece of technology.  

In business, when a function is essential for the very operation of the company, it's called mission-critical. Today, the home network is a mission-critical component. Imagine not being able to connect to work, school, and audio or video communications. In the past year’s pandemic, the need for robust connectivity was all too clear. And with the increasing dependence of the modern home on smart features like lighting and security, it’s easy to see why networking is a mission-critical component. 

Is the home network installation in your Chicago, IL home keeping up? Explore how the solutions from WhyReboot are tailored to the connectivity needs of today’s smart homes.  



SEE ALSO: How to Improve Your Home Network Performance 


The WhyReboot Approach 

WhyReboot assembles a custom-tailored, commercial-quality plug-and-play networking solution for the needs of today's smart homes. This is not just a premium solution for luxury homes. The company is committed to providing the highest network performance for the lowest cost of ownership. It's a commercial approach applied to the needs of extensively connected homes. 

The company assembles networking solutions using best-of-breed commercial networking components integrated for use in the home. Dell SonicWALL routers, Ruckus Network switches, and wireless access points, and Router Limits firewalls combine to provide professional quality performance and reliability.

Advanced Features for Control and Performance 

In your network, all traffic boils down to packets of data. But not all those packets are handled the same, nor should they be. Your network can be optimized so that all traffic has the priority and access it needs for smooth performance. This translates to voice calls that don’t stutter or break up, smooth 4K video streaming, instant access to security camera feeds at high resolution, automated lights that instantly respond to controls, and more. The WhyReboot solution allows for precise traffic prioritization for optimal performance for all your computers, devices, and smart home functions.  

Key concerns that many parents have are blocking inappropriate websites and preventing dangerous malware from infiltrating kids’ devices. WhyReboot’s advanced control options allow for control of network access times for kids, blocking categories of websites, detailed history searches, and other features to keep a handle on internet access.   


Superior Support 

The WhyReboot solution is designed to support your network at every step. Sophisticated and secure remote access allows our technicians to fix issues without setting foot in your home. A lifetime warranty on indoor hardware provides peace of mind from rare equipment failures. 24/7 support is available to resolve the problems that may come up, and free configuration changes for a full year mean that you are supported should your needs change with new devices. WhyReboot predictive analysis tools allow us to recommend the right solution for your home based on your devices, architecture, and home layout to ensure optimal wireless performance for the lowest cost.  


Want to get the benefits of a professionally installed and configured home network for your Chicago smart home?  Call us at (630) 898-2850 or contact us here to get started – we look forward to working with you! 

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