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How to Improve Your Home Network Performance


Three Ways a Professional Network Installation Boosts Your Home’s Connectivity

If it hasn’t become all too clear in these times, we are all very dependent on our data links to the world at large. From online shopping to Zoom video conferences, our home networks have become vital links to staying connected with everything important in our lives. While the effects of the pandemic and Zoom calls will subside over time, there's no question that reliable connectivity is and will continue to be a necessity.

With all the strain current home networks are under, it might be a good time to review your system. Is it keeping up with all the high-resolution video streaming for video conferences and entertainment? Are your security cameras delivering you a quality feed when you want to see something? If not, you might be in need of some upgrades. Keep reading for three ways a professional home network installation can keep your Chicago, IL home connected in the fast lane.

Is Your Network Ready for the Demands of Your Smart Home?


Explore the Commercial-Grade Network Solutions from WhyReboot 

The home network has quickly become a foundational piece of the modern home, almost as important as electricity and running water. Are we exaggerating by placing networking at that level? Only a little, as communication with the outside world is a critical need in any modern home. Moreover, with the convergence of all information and communication into digital form, the home network is an enabling piece of technology.  

In business, when a function is essential for the very operation of the company, it's called mission-critical. Today, the home network is a mission-critical component. Imagine not being able to connect to work, school, and audio or video communications. In the past year’s pandemic, the need for robust connectivity was all too clear. And with the increasing dependence of the modern home on smart features like lighting and security, it’s easy to see why networking is a mission-critical component. 

Is the home network installation in your Chicago, IL home keeping up? Explore how the solutions from WhyReboot are tailored to the connectivity needs of today’s smart homes.