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5 Ways to Simplify Your Life with Lighting Automation


Save Time, Energy, and Money with Lighting that Manages Itself

You may think home automation is all about convenience and luxury. While that is undeniably true, automation also has real benefits in energy efficiency and security. Perhaps the one area of home automation that delivers on every one of these benefits is smart lighting control.

It may come as no surprise that smart lighting is the catalyst that gets homeowners to invest in other smart home features. Once people experience the added convenience and comfort, they want more! And more smart control brings increased benefits, as features like climate control, motorized shades, and automated AV management bring added convenience, luxury, and efficiency when it all works together.

Let’s explore some ways you can use lighting automation to simplify and enhance your Chicago, IL lifestyle.

Draw Out the Beauty from the Darkness with Automated Landscape Lighting


Make Your Home Shine with Custom Landscape Lighting 

What does your home look like after the sun goes down? Do the beautiful architecture and noteworthy details get lost in the dark? Can anyone appreciate your beautiful mature trees? Does your property look foreboding or inviting?  

You put significant effort and expense into both the inside and outside of your home. Last month we talked about how lighting automation and LED technology could transform the look and feel of your home. This month, we want to talk about how you can do the same with the outside of your property. As we've said before, never underestimate the power of light's ability to change the way you view, use, and appreciate your Chicago, IL home. Keep reading to learn more about landscape lighting and automation to make your home as beautiful on the outside as it is inside.