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Check Out Barrett’s Technology Solutions New Website!


Chicago’s Leading Home Automation Company Has a Fresh, New Web Presence

Remember the Yellow Pages? The directory was once an all-important presence for local businesses to be found. If you needed a plumber, heating system repair, or just about anything else, the Yellow Pages was the place to look. And if you remember them, you know how many local businesses called themselves AAA plumbing or ABC Auto Repair to be listed at the beginning of them, with flashy full-page ads.

That world, of course, has changed. Today, an internet presence in the form of a website is a critical marketing card for any company. On the internet, you'll never be found by changing your name to AAAA Home Technology. Instead, you will be recognized by the quality of the content you put on your website and by continually updating it with fresh, useful information that helps people decide to contact you for your services.

In that vein, that’s why Barrett’s Technology Solutions – one of Chicago's premier home automation companies – has totally revamped our website. While our old website was extensive, the new design, layout, and richer graphics enable us to tell our story better. And with this change, we’ve also updated our web domain name – we are now The new URL, changing from, better reflects our focus on all things home technology. 

Keep reading below to learn more about our new website. Please check it out, peruse our new look, and reach out with any questions!

SEE ALSO: What’s Coming Down the Pike for Our Home Automation Company?

A Richer Online Experience

If you look at a website from the early 2000s, you can see just how much web design has changed. Today's sites offer a much richer experience with higher resolution graphics and photos and more extensive use of video. In the home automation space, a picture (and video) really is worth a thousand words. The new site uses video to show technology in action, and high-resolution photos demonstrate how technology and design integrate to create the luxurious smart home experience. 

Here’s an example of demonstrating the smart home experience. This video on our tutorial page shows how you can easily integrate a Savant whole-home audio system into the Spotify app you know and love. No complicated setup or programming skills are required; you can customize your audio experience yourself!

A New Photo Gallery

We know that you can buy home automation products from the likes of Amazon and big-box retailers. What we do as a home automation and technology company is different – we customize it to your lifestyle and integrate it with your décor and design. Our beautiful new gallery page shows off our projects and examples of what’s possible, from home theaters and media rooms to outdoor AV setups.

Working with Leading Trade Partners

For many years, we have worked with Chicago’s leading architects, interior designers, and builders to integrate audio, video, and smart automation into luxury homes and properties. Our new trade partners pages explain how we work with industry professionals to incorporate smart lighting, security, AV, and advanced connectivity into new homes and remodel projects. As we look forward to continuing and strengthening those relationships, the new site lets us better explain how we can work together to create showcase homes with exquisitely integrated technology. 


We hope you enjoy our new website and look forward to your feedback! To learn more about Barrett’s Technology Solutions, call us at (630) 898-2850 or contact us here – we look forward to working with you!


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